
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, please contact We will provide you with further instructions on how and where returns should be shipped as well as the amount that will be refunded to you. Request for return needs to be submitted within 7 days of receiving your items, for unworn, unwashed and damage-free garments that have the original product tag still attached.

Once the item is received, we will inspect the garment and process the return within 5 business days of receipt. However, upon inspection, we reserve the right to decline any return.

Once processed, the amount equal to the purchase will be credited back to your account within 10 days (depending on your bank and/or your method of payment). Shipping charges paid on the original order are not refundable. 

All discounted products are FINAL SALE - there are no returns, refunds or exchanges permitted on these items.


At this time we are unable to offer exchanges due to limited inventory. However, there can be exceptions, please contact us at